Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2 Months Away

The holidays are over! So sorry it has been so long since I have posted (for those that actually DO read this haha) but I got so busy during the holidays with work and relaxing that I accidentally took some time off from updating...

Whoops! :)

But it is the new year now! And I am going to try to update as frequently as I can for all those who are following me and the mission trip to East Asia.

Guys! It is a little more than 2 MONTHS away!! I seriously cannot believe it...God is so GOOD!

So far in this process, God has seriously humbled my heart with providing for me. He has already taught me so much about having a faith in His works and His timing. With that said, the total amount that has been blessed so far is..


AMAZING!!! Seriously, that is almost a quarter of the way to the complete total! You guys are so wonderful. God is going to provide. I just know He will.

Our next meeting is going to be this Sunday, so if you are one of my prayer warriors, please be praying for team unity and bonding. This is such a big deal because the team has to work together in order to bring the glory to the Lord. If satan is going to strike anywhere, he will definitely strike in bonding with the team.

Thank you so much to everyone who has already given and is already praying. Please know that I am personally praying the Lord would bless you hugely through your obedience and sacrifice. I am praying for Him to teach you new and wonderful things, and for Him to continually grow your hearts for the lost people in this world.

If you are interested in giving or praying for me, please send me your address and I will send you more information on this trip!!

I love you guys so so much!! All praise be to the Lord Almighty!